Sunday, January 25, 2009


Now there's a word that doesn't get much play anymore! All kinds of mongers are out of use. There are Fishmogers, Steelmongers. All obsolete.

But ANYway...

So last night my friend Dave and his friend Bruce (cos every gay man has to know at least one Bruce!) and I went to Remington's, the male strip bar. Oh my GOD did I need that! Getting rubbed up on by hot, naked men. Now granted it's not like I had sex, but I certainly took some benefit from the attention. This one whore T.J. was probably the most incredible looking, sexy man I have ever seen in person! Smooth black skin, completely shredded body! I was SOO tempted to spend money I didn't have on a lap dance, but I didn't.
I gotta get in shape and get myself a man like that!
I haven't been there in a long time and there were some cute new dancers. Like T.J.
And Dave is the perfect person to go there with because we appreciate the same sleezy aspects of it. I love strippers and whores and scuzzy old pervs leering in the dark. I LOVE it!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Gay News Hootenanny!

An Altar Boy from New York's St. Mark of the Apostles Church who identifies as homosexual, claims that at no time was he ever touched inappropriately or fondled by the church clergy. "I guess I was just born this way" says 19 year-old James McClintock, who wanted to make it clear that "I wasn't turned gay by a horny preist. I didn't even find any of them attractive." McClintock says he has always been open about his sexuality, often wearing revealing or tight fitting clothes. "Not even so much as a butt-slap!" he says.

In a move deemed "childish one-upsmanship" by the UN, Canada has rushed through legislation making gay marriage mandatory for all Canadians. This in response to Sweden becoming the seventh country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Canada had already done so in 2005. Now however they are once again trying to steal the spotlight on the world stage by passing sweeping reforms which effectively abolish heterosexual marriage rights, making gay marriage the only option for couples wanting the legal protections of marriage.

Just moments after being sworn in as the 40th president og the Untied States, the White House's official website was updated to show the presidents intentions with regards to equality for gays. From expansions of hate crimes legislation to support for same-sex partnerships, at a press conference later that day Obama committed to giving gays a voice in Washington, in a speech peppered with references to his own heterosexuality, his two daughters, his "hot wife", and his love of sports. Gay rights activists were pleased but confused. Said one onlooker, "we know he's straight, he doesn't need to keep reminding us".

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy New etc.

It's 2009. Obama is president of the U.S. As a Canadian I have to say I still find it exciting. The guy is just so freaking charismatic and passionate! His inauguration speech had me all teary-eyed like a woman! It was beautiful.

Mr. Skin told Howard100 News' Lisa G that he used to work-out at Obama's Health Club and he saw Obama's ass a couple of times and he reports that it's cellulite-free! Isn't it nice to know the leader of the free world has a smooth ass?

I bet GW has a cottage-cheezy ol' toches!

Anyway, here's a link to the White House page which outlines all the changes Obama intends to make.

Check it out. You can also watch the inaugural address or read a transcript here:

It's an inspiring read.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An Attempt Not To Censor

I title this post thus because of my last post, one which you never saw... or maybe you did if you happened to be clamoring for my posts as they churned out!!! No?! Okay, good.
My last post was up for several hours but should never have seen the light of day. I took it down after thinking better of it and I only post this explanation in case somehow someone actually saw it and wonders where it is. It's gone. We shall never speak of it again. Sorta like the Bush administration. It's a horror we dare not revisit for fear of conjuring spirits of such evil we'll never be able to contain them again...! OH GOD!!! THE SPIRITS!!!!
Well, the spirits have been in touch and apparently they promise to take it easy on us, as long as we don't tempt them by doing such things as allowing them to re-confirm transit directions by phone more than three times! I guess they need our help in this. I'll try. Fortunate thing I work for GO Transit. I can probably thwart ten, maybe twenty spirits a day! It'll be tough, but I'll do it.
Are you sufficiently distracted from the subject matter of my last post?
Well, perhaps we'll revisit it in a later post.
For now, it's cold in Toronto.
Thats it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Post - Honest from the start, shall we?

I guess I missed the anonimity of my old blog. Too many friends and family dipped their toes into that old one and, quite honestly, were underwhelmed. Aside from that though, I missed the facelessness of the confessional; the ability to say whatever I want and noone would read it. Thats why I'm here. Cos noone is gonna read it. This is way better than a diary with a lock (which I had as a kid!). There are so many blogs out there why would anyone stumble onto mine and read it?

I know I'm needy when it comes to relationships, but I thought this time it would benefit me. 
I met a guy who works really hard; I mean 24/7-type hard. He's never around. 
At first I admired that, still do, but I also feel ignored and because it's so new I can't help wonder if he "just isn't that into me" as they say. The last time we spoke, (several days ago after several more days of nothing) he said he was happy to hear my voice and things would calm down soon. I have NO reason to believe he isn't being honest about his work. I won't divulge the nature of the work but trust that I'm not an idiot.
It IS time consuming. 
So as the new guy in his life should I hang back and wait? It's hard to be patient when you WANT someone, but when you also genuinely like them...
At what point do I stand up for myself and demand more time? Or let it go?
I don't want to let this one go...