Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An Attempt Not To Censor

I title this post thus because of my last post, one which you never saw... or maybe you did if you happened to be clamoring for my posts as they churned out!!! No?! Okay, good.
My last post was up for several hours but should never have seen the light of day. I took it down after thinking better of it and I only post this explanation in case somehow someone actually saw it and wonders where it is. It's gone. We shall never speak of it again. Sorta like the Bush administration. It's a horror we dare not revisit for fear of conjuring spirits of such evil we'll never be able to contain them again...! OH GOD!!! THE SPIRITS!!!!
Well, the spirits have been in touch and apparently they promise to take it easy on us, as long as we don't tempt them by doing such things as allowing them to re-confirm transit directions by phone more than three times! I guess they need our help in this. I'll try. Fortunate thing I work for GO Transit. I can probably thwart ten, maybe twenty spirits a day! It'll be tough, but I'll do it.
Are you sufficiently distracted from the subject matter of my last post?
Well, perhaps we'll revisit it in a later post.
For now, it's cold in Toronto.
Thats it.

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