Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Post - Honest from the start, shall we?

I guess I missed the anonimity of my old blog. Too many friends and family dipped their toes into that old one and, quite honestly, were underwhelmed. Aside from that though, I missed the facelessness of the confessional; the ability to say whatever I want and noone would read it. Thats why I'm here. Cos noone is gonna read it. This is way better than a diary with a lock (which I had as a kid!). There are so many blogs out there why would anyone stumble onto mine and read it?

I know I'm needy when it comes to relationships, but I thought this time it would benefit me. 
I met a guy who works really hard; I mean 24/7-type hard. He's never around. 
At first I admired that, still do, but I also feel ignored and because it's so new I can't help wonder if he "just isn't that into me" as they say. The last time we spoke, (several days ago after several more days of nothing) he said he was happy to hear my voice and things would calm down soon. I have NO reason to believe he isn't being honest about his work. I won't divulge the nature of the work but trust that I'm not an idiot.
It IS time consuming. 
So as the new guy in his life should I hang back and wait? It's hard to be patient when you WANT someone, but when you also genuinely like them...
At what point do I stand up for myself and demand more time? Or let it go?
I don't want to let this one go...

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